After a marathon run through all the Alien films included a foray into Predator territory. It seemed only right to cap it with the five standalone Predator outings. I’ve not seen Predator since its release. I loved it as a kid, but how has it aged in nearly 40 years. It’s full on yeehaw America military bravado. A government dude has got himself lost in a Central American jungle. Feared to be in the hands of guerillas, a crack squad of renegade commandos are sent in on a rescue mission. Dutch (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is the best of the best. Does things his way. With his team. He’s not sure about his old mate Dillon (Carl Weathers), who’s signed him up for this tagging along. Choppers, camouflage, guns, very big guns. This should be a walk in the park. It won’t be. Shot in Mexico, the jungle location looks as exciting as I remember. As soon at the team drop in, they find the ruins of a chopper amongst the deep vegetation that’s dense, thick with heat and fog. All ramping up the tension as the orchestral brass, horns and strings pull ominously in the background. Dutch has a bad feeling. This doesn’t look like the mission he was booked for, as tracker, Billy (Sonny Landham), finds signs of more than just guerillas. The heat seeking POV of the Predator with its distorted electro sound effects is still cool and sets the tone for the real star perfectly, but you’ll have to be patient. The team think they’re the ones hunting the guerrillas, rescuing the hostages, but it’s all just foreplay. Very bloody foreplay. If you want big explosions, more big guns, big muscles, big knives, you’ll want to “Stick around”. After a massive firefight, it’s Commandoes 1, Guerrillas 0, but Dutch was right, Dillon got them here under false pretences and in more trouble than any of them can imagine. It’s an action film and the action is great, but as with all great films, it’s the cast that make it tick. Yes the dialogue is purposefully cheesy. Yes the plot is simple. But things move along so fast, not of this matters, in fact those things are turned into strengths. Mission complete, it’s time to leave. Their target and bounty dead, they’ve picked up a hostage of their own, Anna (Elpidia Carrillo). She’s the first one to see the Predator as it takes out the first commando. Game on. Well sort of. Despite their enviable firepower, they’re outgunned… by something they can’t see. The tease is perfect. Never show your hand too soon and this waits brilliantly. Hiding the Predator with mirrored camouflage may look a bit clunky to our modern eyes, more used to slick CGI, but it’s still effective and impressive considering it’s all in camera. We get glimpses of the alien hunter as they’re picked off one by one, but nothing more. His screen time is kept wonderfully brief. They plot, plan, set traps. Like the A-Team, but here people die when things explode. It’s dumb fun, switch your brain off stuff, but there’s some great shots and the cast deliver exactly what’s required. It’s Schwarzenegger’s film of course, the quintessential action hero, but Sonny Landham is brilliant too (and gets the last laugh). As is Bill Duke as Mac. A shout has to go to Kevin Peter Hall though, you don’t see much of him as the Predator, but he’s genuinely menacing, even with the mask, the amour, the dreadlocks. Keep an eye out for him sans costume in the chopper at the end. In classic 80s fashion we get the last stand set piece finally, with Dutch finally figuring out how to beat the alien beast and deliver some brilliant lines with Schwarzenegger’s distinctive style. Why is this still a great film. It’s because it leans into the simplicity. It doesn’t get distracted and it doesn’t treat its audience like idiots. Some simple plot points steer the way for a well crafted action thriller that still plays well all these years later. Plus, in the Predator itself, it boasts one of the best movie monsters of all time. When that mask comes off to reveal some stunning make up and animatronic effects, you really do have to tip your hat. I saw Predator 2 on release too, but don’t recall much, which is a bad sign, but after watching this, I’m looking forward to digging in deeper.
